[IntelliJ 2024.2] Trigger @Scheduled in debug



Pretty excited for the new option to trigger a @Scheduled method directly, however I can't make it work on my project.

It's a Spring Boot 2.7.18 project which I launch as a Spring Boot debug configuration, as the “What's new” gif shows, and I get this error:

The breakpoint was however hit a bit later when the consistency job was triggered by the scheduler, so I know the debug mode is actually working.

Is there some configuration to add? I don't know how it should be looking for the running application, so difficult to know what's missing. This is unfortunately not a project that I can share.



Does it work fine with some sample project? Do you use any antivirus software or other software that might block network activity?

Is it possible to provide idea.log ("Help | Show Log in…") after reproducing the issue to check recorded events? You may share files via https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ form. Don't forget to provide upload ID afterwards.




Hello Yaroslav Bedrov ,

It works on a fresh new project. However it did ask me to enable Scheduled method debug in the run configuration and did it automatically once I accepted. I did not encounter this behaviour on the existing project. So I went to add the option manually, though this did not solve the issue.

Yes, I have eset antivirus running, without any option to disable it even partially.

I have uploaded logs (Upload id: 2024_08_08_b45Jw4bYCAQgufZ8gVAgMs (file: redacted_idea.log))


Thanks for the logs. It's a known issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-357245. Fix should be included in the nearest update.


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