How to launch a JUnit Robolectric test
In a SBT project, I can launch correctly Robolectric tests with this setting:
managedClasspath in Test <++= (platformJars in Android, baseDirectory) map {
case ((j,_), b) =>
Seq(Attributed.blank(b / "bin" / "classes"), Attributed.blank(file(j)))
In order to debug it with IDEA, I create a Run/Debug configuration of type JUnit.
The problem is that I get this exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: android/content/Context
This doesn't happen when launching using: "sbt test".
How can I tell IDEA to use the correct classpath?.
I've set a standard JRE 7 as the alternative JRE of the Run/Debug configuration.
Any help, please?
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