Memory use/GCing in 8.1 EAP
I've just been trying out 9572 and I'm finding it's pretty hard to work
on - I'm sitting there doing nothing half of the time waiting for it to
GC. I've got mx set to 1024M but it's only using 209M heap... what I'm
finding is that often just interacting in some way with IDEA - e.g.
placing the cursor somewhere in a file, clicking a menu - will often
make the memory go up by 10 Meg or more and if it hits the limit it
causes a GC and subsequent freeze of the UI. The limit doesn't seem to
increase so I'm guessing it's down to an excess of temporarily created
objects... seems a lot worse than previous versions though.
Let me know if there is something more I can do to help solve this problem.
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Nathan Brown wrote:
I'm also just sitting here watching the memory climb slowly from 112M up
to 125M and then dropping again, and I'm not doing anything at all...
file is fully parsed, no sign of any processing happening on the ui.
I'm having the same issue.
Having a Saw tooth(See attached images) wave in my experience is normal.
Java has memory monitors and alot of other things going on under the covers.
Hook up JConsole or VisualVM to any Java program and you will see the eden space rise and fall.
The Image sawtooth is from starting soapUI but not using it.
The image sawtooth-ij is from 8.1EAP of IJ.
Even forcing several garbage collections may show a rise in total memory usage when there is no problem.
I've tried the latest build and it's still unusable for me. I'm seeing
memory climb 2M/sec just wiggling my mouse over the editor window! And
the ui is regularly hanging up whilst the cpu goes crazy, GCing be the
looks of it.
I've posted a Jira... til it's fixed I'm afraid it's back to 8.0.1.