Maybe a silly question about flex

I am wondering where we can find information about the flex integration in intellij. I know there have been asked a lot of questions in the forum, but there is no single point at jetbrains to read about flex. I think that could help a lot with the adoption. Except for an old document with an ant howto

My trial licenses for flex builder is over and now I only have intellij again. The coding is almost good enough, except for some small things with standard parameters and imports that are unknown. outerdocument for instance.

I am having a lot of problems getting my flex app to run though. I have a flex application with blazeds at the backend. I use the flex-compiler-mojo from velo. But I'd love to say run from within intellij just like I can with flex builder. First of all, the compilation seems to be taking a lot longer than with flex builder. The worst is the remoting, I just cannot get this to work. It is so easy in flex builder. I'd love to see it work in intellij as well.

Every help in this area is welcome, and some short hello world howto's would be great as well.

thanks Jettro

Permanently deleted user

Had the same problem; what I did then - I made myself very comfortable with command-line flex commands so I could build a project from a command line, got to the point of building my Flex projects from ant. Speaking of which, you may try the ant tasks out but I found them useless, ended up running regular flex command line tools like mxmlc from build.xml. The challenge was rebuilding paths and file lists in the format in which mxmlc etc would be able to use them. Another challenge was incremental build logic.

Once that was done, I found myself independent on the IDE in terms of building; using the IDE to put the code together but using my ant script for builds no matter what was used to edit code: FlexBuilder, Idea or VIM.


Permanently deleted user

Thanks for your idea, but that is not my problem. I am already using maven for that. I am looking for a faster way of development. THat is something that flex builder already brings. I hop it will come with intellij as well.

greetz Jettro

Permanently deleted user

Internal builder uses fsch so compiling should be fast
We are in the process of writing documentation and resolving 'remoting'

Jettro Coenradie wrote:

I am wondering where we can find information about the flex integration in intellij. I know there have been asked a lot of questions in the forum, but there is no single point at jetbrains to read about flex. I think that could help a lot with the adoption. Except for an old document with an ant how

My trial licenses for flex builder is over and now I only have intellij again. The coding is almost good enough, except for some small things with standard parameters and imports that are unknown. outerdocument for instance.

I am having a lot of problems getting my flex app to run though. I have a flex application with blazeds at the backend. I use the flex-compiler-mojo from velo. But I'd love to say run from within intellij just like I can with flex builder. First of all, the compilation seems to be taking a lot longe
r than with flex builder. The worst is the remoting, I just cannot get this to work. It is so easy in flex builder. I'd love to see it work in intellij as well.

Every help in this area is welcome, and some short hello world howto's would be great as well.

thanks Jettro

Original message URL:

Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

that's exactly what I am talking about - faster way of development. There is a comfortable center for everyone in terms of burning hours on setting up/troubleshooting the IDE, it's frightening how many hours, days can be burned on that for nothing, I personally found it very counterproductive. You just set it up right, haleluja, you can build, run, debug and deploy from your IDE, then one of the thousand things happen that throw you right back at where you started. IDE upgrade, dependent plugin update, JVM upgrade, OS update, new member of the team who refuses to use your IDE of choice....Some very senior guys in my team are actually (really) very productive with VIM and full command line.

You got Maven for build, you always have logging to track a problem with the code, the IDE can help you with code complete, inspections (although often just annoying and off the mark), refactoring (some, sometimes), navigation, lots of good stuff. To prove my point, look at all the responses you got here minus mine. Which may imply that your golden center of max productivity may be found way away from 100% reliance on the IDE. I would have lost my job if I chased the goal of having all of the advertised features of the IDE working for me: while the manufacturer and dependents are "working on it", I still have to deliver...

Permanently deleted user

We managed to run Hello World with IDEA 8.1 #9618,
for Flex module we added to additional options of build settings
-services (e.g. out\exploded\java-serverWeb\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml) -context-root ]]> (e.g. sandbox-idea),
changed output file to be in server exploded directory

for Flex run configuration:
use url like http://localhost:8400/sandbox-idea/FlexClient.swf

Jettro Coenradie wrote:

I am wondering where we can find information about the flex integration in intellij. I know there have been asked a lot of questions in the forum, but there is no single point at jetbrains to read about flex. I think that could help a lot with the adoption. Except for an old document with an ant how

My trial licenses for flex builder is over and now I only have intellij again. The coding is almost good enough, except for some small things with standard parameters and imports that are unknown. outerdocument for instance.

I am having a lot of problems getting my flex app to run though. I have a flex application with blazeds at the backend. I use the flex-compiler-mojo from velo. But I'd love to say run from within intellij just like I can with flex builder. First of all, the compilation seems to be taking a lot longe
r than with flex builder. The worst is the remoting, I just cannot get this to work. It is so easy in flex builder. I'd love to see it work in intellij as well.

Every help in this area is welcome, and some short hello world howto's would be great as well.

thanks Jettro

Original message URL:

Best regards,
Maxim Mossienko
IntelliJ Labs / JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


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