How to cancel "Inject Language" intension action?
I accidentally used the "Inject Language" -> "CSS" on a string in one of my Java files.
How can I undo this?
I am using build 8995.
Thank you.
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Hello Roi,
You could put caret on function's description, press Alt+Enter and select "Un-Inject Language/Reference"
Edited by: Brandon Enochs on Nov 4, 2008 1:00 AM
Not sure, but I think you may have over-edited this comment. Sometimes less isn't really more.
--Dave Griffith
Hello Moshe,
Please, see Settings / Language injection / Injection tab. There find your
class and method under Parameters node and remove it or configure.
Thank you.
I function the injection tab in the setting, but it is empty.
My problem is that I accidentally change a function's description to a python format.