Turn on the validation XSD 1.1 in Intellij IDEA

Is any way how to turn on the validation of XSD version 1.1 in Intellij IDEA instead of default 1.0? As I know to be able to validate against version 1.1 the processor should just take -xsdversion:1.1, but I don't see any configuration point in IDE how I can set it.


Try to configure it via Settings -> Schemas and DTDs. BTW where did you download it?


Hi Dmitry,
  XSD 1.0 and XSD 1.1 is the same, the issue in the xsd processor. So your solution will not help as everything what need to be donwloaded already there. The question is how to use another xsd processor, and if it is works in Intellij IDEA or it is just impossible.



It seems you are talking about Saxon, but we use Xerces for validation. Currently there is no way to configure xsd version in IDEA, but it is potentially possible. Feel free to submit a ticket for such a feature.

Permanently deleted user

hello, was anyone ever able to get XSD 1.1 validation working in IntelliJ IDEA 15?

Permanently deleted user

If there is a ticket for this feature already, could you give the link here?

BTW, I've tried swapping xercesImpl.jar in the IDEA's lib folder with no success.


Dmitry Avdeev: Any progress on this? The Xerces already supports XSD 1.1. From some reason you need to download a specific package with that:

Xerces2 Java 2.12.1 (XML Schema 1.1) - zip

Also, in your code you need to explicitly specify something like:

SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(

so I assume that just swapping the xercesImpl.jar won't help.

(see https://xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/faq-xs.html#faq-1)


Hello David,

Please submit separate issue on YouTrack.


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