inspect code broke? Andre Mermegas Created March 27, 2008 19:58 I'm running 7.0.3, went to use analyze code | inspect code and it runs forever then nothing. i expect the inspection window to pop up. but nothing.
could you please check USER_HOME/IntelliJ IDEA 7.0./system/log/idea.log for
any exceptions?
Thank you
Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
here is log
btw is there anyway to just inspect code, not analyze usages, etc... and all that extra stuff?
I have exactly the same problem. Nothing in the idea.log. The project is large (>10.000 java-files)
any solution on this?
The initial problem was caused by broken HTML parsing.
I need idea.log to confirm that it is not the same problem and CPU snapshot to understand what IDEA is doing. (You may upload it to
Thank you