Cleaning Out The Target Directory
What manages the target directory for my deployed app, Maven or IntelliJ?
I am seeing a lot of issues lately where new code isnt getting deployed or just plain not working. I have to manually delete the Target directory and rebuild everything to get things working again.
Windows XP SP3
IJ 12.1.6
Maven 3.1
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What action do you apply when expecting new code deploy? Do you manually call "Make", or press "Update" in Run window, or anything else?
Thank you,
My workflow:
I usually update all my files and do a "Rebuild Project" then I just click on the "Tomcat" Debug icon, which does MAKE, and builds the artifacts.
Thank you. Could not reproduce the case still.
Can you check your Settings / Compiler. What is the value of options:
1. Clear output directory on rebuild = ?
2. Use external build = ? (If provided.)
3. Make project automatically = ?
All 3 are checked.
Using AJC
Thanks again, but still can't recreate it.
Please file an issue in the bugtracker: : maybe developers will be more successful in reproducing.
Thanks Alexander. I figured my information is pretty vague. I try and narrow this done a bit more.