Maven source directories

I am using the 'create temporary modules' feature of the maven plugin within IDEA. Unfortunately, it doesn't recognize my groovy files at src/main/groovy. I would prefer to continue using the temporary files rather than maintain .iml files in my project, as I've found people end up committing a lot of junk into them unnecessarily. Is there a way to specify additional source directories that the plugin can scan?

Kallin Nagelberg.


The first thing - we dropped 'temporary modules' option since it had caused lots of confusion. Now projects will be imported with regular module files.

As for source folders recognition - is the 'src/main/groovy' folder described in pom.xml file? I'm afraid that it is configured with maven groovy plugin.
This way we have to either add groovy plugin support to our idea maven plugin, or wait till maven guys add some focilities that can help us to retrieve the source folders information.
Anyway, please create jira issue for you problem (tag it with Maven Integration only please)


You decided to drop a major feature that was introduced in 7.0?
Are you sure customers will like that? Who found it confusing? Jetbrains?

Now there's no possibility to auto-synchronize pom files and the generated ipr files, right?

Is the expectation that users have to wait until they face some build issues and then as a try have to manually find and press the sync button?

You can't be serious about that, can you?


The automatic synchronization, as a matter of fact, has nothing to do with temporary modules.

The major problem with temporary modules was that all the settings was resetted each time the project was closed. And that caused a lot of confusion.

Probably that is a good idea to provide a user with 'synchronize automatically' option thougn.

Thanks for your feedback.


As a matter of fact, now that you removed the temporary modules, you thereby also removed the only possibility to have an automatic synchronization between the pom files and the IDEA project files.
It doesn't work anymore in 7656 to use the pom files as leading project definition and let the project team use different IDEs on top of that. Well, it works with Eclipse and Netbeans of course, but not anymore with IDEA.

This feature was one of the main reasons we upgraded to IDEA 7!

So please, if you think having temporary modules is confusing (for whatever reason, they worked fine for me so far), don't do any collateral damage by taking away basic functionality in the process.


Let me apologize for inconvenience that caused to you.
We'll fix that in one of the next eaps.

Thank you.


Anton Makeev wrote:

Let me apologize for inconvenience that caused to you.
We'll fix that in one of the next eaps.


Thank you.

Is it possible to save any/all customizations that would alter the
.iml/.ipr to the .iws workspace file?

This way the project/modules can still be generated/temporary, but any
customizations/overrides can still be applied somehow?


I'd prefer to have the regular ipr and iml files (that also TeamCity can work with) and having the option to auto-sync those with the pom files , e.g. during loading of the project.
The goal here is to have as little administrative effort as possible when using Maven, IDEA + other IDEs and TeamCity together.


The next eap will have an option to enable the automatic synchronization.
This option will be available during the project import and at the 'Importer' settings tab.


Thank you, sounds great!


Tried it with 7675 and it seems to work fine.
Thumbs up from here!


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