Is this "overload method" refactoring implemented?
Often I have need to do either of two things
- take an existing method and wrap it with new overloaded method with some
default parameters
- take an existing method, add some extra parameters and wrap it in new
overloaded method matching original method signature
- variations of the two above where wrapped method getas renamed and made
private and its parameters gets rearranged
Right now it is always a manual cut an paste thing for me. As far as I know
there is nothing like this available at the moment or did I miss it? I wish
it could be done as a refactoring.
Would it be useful for you?
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If you do the "Change Signature" refactoring there is a radio button at
the top of the dialog to select "Delegate via overloading method"...
Alex Roytman wrote:
I have a similar, but different, need
I would like to take a given method and create default overloads for all parameters
public Class MyClass {
public MyClass(Boolean argOne, String argTwo, Integer argThree, int argFour, Object argFive) {
Given that constructor, i would like to create 4 overloads with defaults
public MyClass(Boolean argOne, String argTwo, Integer argThree, int argFour) {
this(argOne, argTwo, argThree, argFour, null);
public MyClass(Boolean argOne, String argTwo, Integer argThree) {
this(argOne, argTwo, argThree, 0, null);
public MyClass(Boolean argOne, String argTwo) {
this(argOne, argTwo, null, 0, null);
public MyClass(Boolean argOne) {
this(argOne, "", null, 0, null);
Is something like this possible?
Is there a way to edit this template?
Hello Troy Stauffer,
From the given method:
`public MyClass(Boolean argOne, String argTwo, Integer argThree, int argFour, Object argFive) {}`
you may generate the fields by pressing "Alt+Enter" at parameters and selecting "create field for parameter" fix:
and then, by pressing "cmd+N" at class, generate constructors with different sets of parameters:
You may also use the intention "generate overloaded constructor with default parameter values" that is available by "Alt+Enter" when the cursor is at the parameters:
The issue with the generate is that it doesn't provide the "default"
yes, the default values are not predefined in this case, the generated method will have the placeholders where you can type the needed value, switching to the next placeholder can be done by Tab pressing:
Not exactly what I am after but I understand that this gets it closer. Thanks for the time