Slow editor scrolling on Java6, Selena
I had to start to use JRE 1.6.02 with IntelliJ IDEA because of often random JVM crashes on JRE1.5.11. It solved my problem with instability, but I started to feel a big slowness of editor scrolling (via mouse scroll button). I tried to switch off property Smooth Scrolling (IDE Settings->Editor->Scrolling), but it had NO effect.
I know that Java6 is not still officially supported, but can someone else check this please?
Selena #7087
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On 2007-07-28 19:33:34 +0400, CaVity <> said:
Please take a CPU snapshot and we'll see what's wrong there.
CaVity wrote:
Sounds like
It takes full CPU load. My CPU is a bit old 1GHz and that is why I can feel the difference. People with the faster CPU probably don't notice that at all. I'm not sure if the setting of the property works.
Yeah, that's it! I am not alone! ;-). I'll try to set the "sun.java2d.noddraw=true"
Commenting of the line helped a lot. It's much faster. I didn't notice any glitches or redraw problems (on very old TNT2 Ultra). Enabling/disabling of the smooth scrolling property seems to have still no effect.
Opening any XML-file in editor could help you. At least it helps me. Strange behavior.
I can also add that it works at least on two machines.
And I should also add (maybe for IDEA developers), that commenting "sun.java2d.noddraw=true" didn't help, and scrolling becomes even slower and CPU load is 100% now.