Slow editor scrolling on Java6, Selena

I had to start to use JRE 1.6.02 with IntelliJ IDEA because of often random JVM crashes on JRE1.5.11. It solved my problem with instability, but I started to feel a big slowness of editor scrolling (via mouse scroll button). I tried to switch off property Smooth Scrolling (IDE Settings->Editor->Scrolling), but it had NO effect.
I know that Java6 is not still officially supported, but can someone else check this please?

Selena #7087

Permanently deleted user

On 2007-07-28 19:33:34 +0400, CaVity <> said:

I had to start to use JRE 1.6.02 with IntelliJ IDEA because of often
random JVM crashes on JRE1.5.11. It solved my problem with instability,
but I started to feel a big slowness of editor scrolling (via mouse
scroll button). I tried to switch off property Smooth Scrolling (IDE
Settings->Editor->Scrolling), but it had NO effect.
I know that Java6 is not still officially supported, but can someone
else check this please?

Selena #7087

Please take a CPU snapshot and we'll see what's wrong there.

Permanently deleted user

CaVity wrote:

I had to start to use JRE 1.6.02 with IntelliJ IDEA because of often random JVM crashes on JRE1.5.11. It solved my problem with instability, but I started to feel a big slowness of editor scrolling (via mouse scroll button). I tried to switch off property Smooth Scrolling (IDE Settings->Editor->Scrolling), but it had NO effect.

Sounds like


Permanently deleted user

It takes full CPU load. My CPU is a bit old 1GHz and that is why I can feel the difference. People with the faster CPU probably don't notice that at all. I'm not sure if the setting of the property works.

Permanently deleted user

Yeah, that's it! I am not alone! ;-). I'll try to set the "sun.java2d.noddraw=true"

Permanently deleted user

Commenting of the line helped a lot. It's much faster. I didn't notice any glitches or redraw problems (on very old TNT2 Ultra). Enabling/disabling of the smooth scrolling property seems to have still no effect.


Opening any XML-file in editor could help you. At least it helps me. Strange behavior.


I can also add that it works at least on two machines.


And I should also add (maybe for IDEA developers), that commenting "sun.java2d.noddraw=true" didn't help, and scrolling becomes even slower and CPU load is 100% now.


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