Idea loads wrong source for dubgging
I have two wars in my project each using same dependency but with differenet versions. When debugging with run:jetty source is being loaded from wrong dependency, i.e. one from other war. Is there any way to tell debugger to take sources from correct location?
Best regards, Eugene.
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Can you provide a sample project which illustrates the problem?
Sorry, no. I just have not time. I believe I described the problem precisely enough.
I think it's this issue:
Also related:
What do you mean by "debugging with run:jetty"? Which kind of a run configuration do you use to start Jetty?
Nikolay Chashnikov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Maven, of course.
Thank you! That's exactly my case!
IDEA indeed isn't smart enough to determine which war is deployed when you start Jetty via Maven. However if you start Jetty using a Jetty run
configuration IDEA will know which war artifact is deployed so the problem should go away.
Nikolay Chashnikov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Thank you, it could be a workaround. Although there is quite a major drawback - by using Idea's Jetty run configuration I introduce one more environment which I have to maintain, i.e. keep all config in sycn with pom. That's quite awkward. You'd better fix the maven config :)
It doesn't work for a Tomcat run configuration ... (see issues in the other post below)