Feature Request Liferay support

Liferay support similar to or superior to that available for Eclipse at the Eclipse Marketplace.

USAAC G6 Web Team is fundamentaly a IntelliJ shop, however we have to use ant / Eclipse because of the Liferay support.

Can anything  be done about this? I don't like Eclipse much at all and we spent a fair pile of money on our IntelliJ licenses.


I would not hold my breath for Liferay support. It's not too hard to integrate Liferay in Intellij using its existing feature set (File Templates were a big help). I don't use Eclipse so I'm not familiar with its Liferay support. We integrated Liferay using Maven and it worked like a charm for us. The setup took a little bit of time and was made easier by our corporate Maven repository since the Liferay artifacts are not in the Maven central repository. I suppose you could set up your project to also use Ant but that's more difficult since you need to maintain the Liferay dependencies yourself.



Were you able to achieve 'Hot Deploy' into Liferay?  Now, we are using Maven, but the WAR file that is created still has to go through the deploy process for the portlets to show up in Liferay.  This takes about 2 minutes which is a pain when in Development.


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