Code Name Game
Hello everyone,
Looks like it's time to pick the codename for the 6.5 release. We haven't
yet made an official choice, so, unlike last time, we'll give you a chance
to suggest something that we may actually use. :)
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
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Hi Dmitry - any ground rules for the naming suggestions?
Hello Jon,
JS> Hi Dmitry - any ground rules for the naming suggestions?
Same vein as previous codenames. Female mythological creatures, preferably
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Dmitry Jemerov napisa?(a):
Hello Michal,
MS> Minerva
We've had Pallada already - we'd rather not reuse goddesses :)
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Hestia (
I nominate Ainia. A warrior with a name that means "swiftness" would have to be a good omen.
AND it's a palindrome!
Then Egeria, or Concordia...
Dmitry Jemerov napisa?(a):
I think Athena would be perfect.
Thomas Gülden
Munich, Germany
I still consider Hanuman the good code name (Hani might also like it=). Alas, we are bound to Greek/Roman names...
As part of a pitch for functionality I would like to see, I nominate Juturna]]>, roman goddess of springs.
--Dave Griffith
Does it have to be a good girl? How about Chimaera or Medea or Pandora. If
you do npt like these names may be Calypso?
"Dmitry Jemerov" <> wrote in message
Chimera :) --
Hello Sergey,
Pandora has already been used, IIRC, for the 1.5 release.
--Dave Griffith
A few come to my mind, in order of preference (I'm in E mood)
1. Euterpe, "The Giver of Pleasures", muse of the music.
2. Erinye (aka Fury). Erineyes are defenders of the rightness of things, enforcers of just balance.
2. Eirene (or Irene), goddess of peace.
And if we're bold, we still haven't used any of the primordial goddesses: Gaea (Earth), Hemera (Day) or Nyx (Night).
i'd suggest "saturn" aka "kronos". it's the sixth planet in out solar system and it's version six (.5, but still six). also, kronos was the ruler of the world and brought the golden age. ask wikipedia.
Marcus Brito wrote:
Yeah, muses are cool. Alternatively, I would suggest Terpsichore,
the muse of dance.
How about 'Aphrodite'?
To be honest, I'm less concerned with the name, than what you are actually going to put in the 6.5 release.
Hopefully; nothing new.
The Amazons are a promising source of strong names that meet the criteria - - though I might prefer Thalestris as the "best of the best".
Athena is a great name, if not already used internally at JetBrains in the days of yore.
Although it does bring to mind MIT's amazing Project Athena.
Except Maven, Spring, TestNG and Jetty support.
And completion inside of {@code} tags.
(I missed seeing the thread where you asked for suggestions for 6.5.)
Hello B. K. Oxley (binkley),
>> To be honest, I'm less concerned with the name, than what you are
>> actually going to put in the 6.5 release.
>> Hopefully; nothing new.
B> Except Maven, Spring, TestNG and Jetty support.
Most likely no, yes, maybe, and no.
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Hello Dmitry,
B>> Except Maven, Spring, TestNG and Jetty support.
I assume the Spring support will come from bundling IdeaSpring?
Hello Taras,
B>>> Except Maven, Spring, TestNG and Jetty support.
>> Most likely no, yes, maybe, and no.
TT> I assume the Spring support will come from bundling IdeaSpring?
No, we're building our own Spring plugin.
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Hello Dmitry,
TT>> I assume the Spring support will come from bundling IdeaSpring?
Having used IdeaSpring 'with pleasure', I'm a bit surprised.
What set of features are you targeting? Will it do everything that IdeaSpring
currently does?
Ah, thanks for setting expectations, then.
The Maven Reloaded and Maven Integration 2 3rd-party plugins do help a lot. The only bit missing for me is calling out to 'maven compile' when building and 'maven test' when running tests.
A shame about Jetty, which is a nice solution for an embedded container, but you have only so many iterations until delivery and so it goes.
Persephone as daughter of Demetra?
Finally i suppose that 6.5 must be performance improvements as first. If so, the best name is Galatea.
Would you please elaborate on SpringFramework support ?
Thank you.