I don't know why , but it's ok in Idea 5.0,
here is attach files,
a.. DataCollection.class is in a jar file;
b.. KeyedCollection extends KeyedDataCollection
c.. KeyedDataCollection extends DataCollection
d.. DataCollection extends DataElement
Sorry, but I son't see the definition of relevant files.
the file attached is project. please extract it .
We have indeed made changes, but it has always been the case that we did not support configurations where library classes depend on project source.
thanks, you means jetbrains will resolve it or this problem will always exist?
Unfortunately I don't see any way to fix it without the loss of performance.
an unbelievable answer.....
it is ok in Idea 5.0 4.0 3.5 .
I always need decompile some class in the jar , then
remove its from jar.
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Good news.
This ussue will be fixed in 6.0.2.
See for details:
Nope, still getting good code marked with a red underline in its tab.
Using build 6083
I have three files here, none of which have errors, but they're all underlined; not in the project window, just in the tabs.
Is there any way to just switch off the highlighting altogether?