Refactoring Request: "Pull Members Out"

How about adding a refactoring that will extract selected class members (specifically variables, but why not methods as well) into a new standalone class, and replace all accesses of those variables with new get/set methods on the new class?

For example:

class Foo
private int x1;
private int x2;
private String x3;

private int foo()
return x1 *2;

run the refactoring, which create new class, Bar:

class Foo
private Bar bar;

private int foo()
return bar.getX1() *2;

class Bar
private int x1;
private int x2;
private String x3;

public int getX1()


Is this can already be done, somebody please point me in the right direction.



Could be called "Extract Data Object"

or you could extend the existing "Move" refactoring to allow variables to moved to a new class.

Permanently deleted user

This refactoring is available as part of the Refactor-J plugin, a recommended companion product for IDEA. We call it "Extract Class", and it is only one of twenty refactorings and code assists in the product. Refactor-J is available at, with a single user price of $49.

Sixth and Red River Software
"Code with Grace and Verve"

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Sixth and Red River Software

Permanently deleted user

Looks good. But probably SixRR's introduce parameter object can already do this?


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