Re-import all Maven Projects very slow
Hi, we have a multi module flexmojos project which we are finding very slow to run a re-import all maven projects on.
Is there any way I can debug the MVN command which Intellij is running to perform this function. We are trying to determine if the problem is infrastructure related, POM related or Intellij itself.
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INtellij11.1.3 on WIndows 7
Maven 3.03
Flexmojos 4.0x
29 maven modules
Running mvn clean install on the command line takes approx 1 min.
Running re-import all maven projects in INtellij takes approx 5 mins.
Hi JetBrains team....any feedback on this. Causing our whole team to suffer.
There is way to profile reimport process (flex part), but first of all — can you attach log file (Help -> Revel Log in Finder) (run reimport and then attach)? (New issue ( is best place to attach logs.)
ok thanks......
Added here.