"Unsatisfied dependency" warning when injecting Conversation into backing bean
public class BackingBean
@Inject Conversation conversation;
public BackingBean() {}
Why is Intellij giving me a warning: "Unsatisfied dependency: no bean matches the injection point."
The CTRL+F1 detail message is "Detect injection points that have ambiguous dependencies."
It compiles and deploys and seems to run fine on JBoss e.g. I'm able to conversation.begin(), conversation.end(), etc.
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was in my classpath, because the project compiled and ran fine after deployment. It was just annoying to see the Intellij warning everywhere I injected Conversation.I went to Project Structure --> Modules and selected my web module. I noticed the CDI facet. I clicked on the facet and noticed that neither of the two radio buttons were selected: Apache Open Web Beans or JBoss Weld. I selected JBoss Weld. Then, an error message appeared:
"The following libraries are missing: weld-api.jar, weld-core.jar, weld-logger.jar, weld-se.jar, weld-servlet-int.jar, weld-spi.jar, weld-tomcat-support.jar, weld-wicket.jar"
I clicked the "Fix" button. A dialog opened, "Setup Library." I had a choice: Use Library or Download.
I chose Download.
Intellij downloaded the eight jar files and installed them in my $PROJECT_HOME/lib directory.
Now, I don't receive any warnings when I inject Conversation.