How to turn off auto scrolling in log windows?


is there a way to turn off auto scrolling in log output windows like Logcat or in the normal Run/Debug log windows?

Actually there is a button called "Scroll to end" which implies that there should no auto scrolling by default or it should turn off if i manually scroll in the window. But in reallity i feel that the windows autolock is on by default and only sometimes stop scrolling. Logcat (from Android) does never stop auto scrolling - which annoys the hell out of me.

So how is it intendet to work? Is there a switch somewhere to controll the scroll behavior?

PS: I'm using IDEA 11.1.1 (but i have this behavior since 9 AFAIR) under Suse Linux 12.

Many thanks in advance,


Log windows auto-scroll when the caret is at the end of the text, and do not auto-scroll if the caret is somewhere else. So, to stop autoscrolling, simply move the caret somewhere other than the end of the log.

Permanently deleted user

Woot :D Works like a charm...

That's too simple to get it all by myself. I expected something like that, but thought it has something to do with the scrollbar handle.
Thanks a lot, logcat was driving me insane... :-)



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