Error highlighting in the Project Window
Is there any way to turn off error highlighting in the Project Window, or at least get it to ignore certain files or directories like the "excludesfile" attribute of Ant's javac element does for the Ant build environment? If not, could you please add it or better yet, look for the "excludesfile"'s and ignore any files identified in them so the error highlighting will more accurately reflect whether or not there are errors in the code that will be compiled?
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Why don't you go to Settings|Roots| and exclude files you don't want to be
highlighted ?
Alexey Kudravtsev
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc,
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Ralph Saunders" <> wrote in message
That removes them from view too, which is not what I was looking for.
From my perspective, the prupose of those highlights is to allow me to fix compilation errors before trying to actually compile the code. That is a great feature, and on a file by file basis works very well, but there is a problem with trying to agregate that information into the project view without allowing the programmer to say "ignore this file", just like Ant lets the programmer do.
I currently have files that will not compile in my source tree and ant will never try and compile them because I told ant to exclude those files from the compilation process. Under 5.1.2 and earlier, I just ignored the highlighting in those files because the only time I saw them was when I had that file open. Now the directory that the file is in, and all it's parent directories are highlighted, which gives me false information, because there is no problem that will cause my compile to fail.
I incorrectly marked the question as answered because while I did get a response I still don't know turn off highlighting for specific files and directories.
Just to make sure I am clear. I am not asking for a change to error highlighting in an open file, it is the highlighting of directories in the Project Window that I am asking to have changed/enhanced.
It is interesting, what is the purpose of having incompilable file in the
project source?
Alexey Kudravtsev
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc,
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Ralph Saunders" <> wrote in message
I can't explain why because I am restricted by non disclosure agreements, but in the past I have worked on projects that legitimately contain incomplete or incorrect code that were sample code used by new members of the team to illustrate how to build code in that environment. It was never a problem because all those projects used ant and the excludefiles option. It also wasn't a problem when using Idea because the highlighting only showed up when you had to file open and since that file wasn't going to be compiled you could just ignore the highlighting. The same is not true for highlighting in the Project window because there is no way to tell if the highlights are associated with a file that is going to be compiled or going to be ignored by the compiler.
For individual files, just click on Hector, and turn off highlighting for the file. This also turns off the project view highlighting.
--Dave Griffirth
Thanks. That is an approach, even thiough there are a numberr of files and it will a while to visit each one.
I would still like to see the ability to do this at the directory level. Since Idea is now applying highlighting to directories it makes sense that we should be able to have as much control over that as we do over highlighting in individual files.