Ant like token replacement with regular IDEA Build Command?
Is it possible to configure IDEA to do token replacement in files like I can make Ant do when using IDEA's normal "Make"? (Ctrl-F9 by default).
I ask because I've usually done Ctrl-F9 to make sure everything is ok before actually doing an Ant build. But when debugging/running a Tomcat session in IDEA, this occasionally causes it to copy over files that have Ant tokens in them. Now they haven't been filtered and my application has all sorts of issues.
I guess I could break this habit by assigning Ctrl-F9 to my ant build command.But I wonder if I can get IDEA to auto-redeploy the Tomcat context when I do this like it can do with normal Ctrl-F9?
Am I just missing this feature somewhere in IDEA?
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You can either assign an ant task to be executed before/after the compilation or write your own compiler plugin that does the
The first option is the simpliest one.
Best regards,
Eugene Zhuravlev
Software Developer
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Patrick Burleson" <> wrote in message
I can't seem to find the feature to assign an Ant task after a compliation. Is this a new feature beyond 5.1?
Nevermind, I found it....
Right click target in ant window. Excellent.