Favorites no longer in an independent toolwindow?


I can't find the Favorites toolwindow anymore. I noticed the combobox in
the Project toolwindow, that has a Favorites entry, but I think this is
not as practical as having the favorites in their own window. When
jumping to a file I now need 2 clicks whereas I needed just one before.

Am I missing something?




Hmm, I've just started using the EAP in anger and I must say I much preferred the favorites as a seperate window as well.

I'm just finding that it isn't useful in it's current implementation, as unless there's a quick way to navigate to it (which I may be missing), then it doesn't speed up navigation.


Hello Simon,

Alt+F1 + Right

and if you're already in Favorites mode plain Alt+F1 Enter will keep you


Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"


Hmm, well that only gives me access to the favorites list if the file is actually in an existing favorites list - if I want to access the favorites list it's because I want to quickly navigate to a file which isn't already open!

Also the UI for the new favorites panel isn't too good at the moment - having three buttons that all look identical for the following functionality is just confusing (although I'm hoping they are place holders):
- Remove from favorites
- Delete list
- Delete all favorites list apart from project default (is this functionality really needed? I just accidentally deleted all of my lists by clicking on the wrong button - may need a confirmation dialog)

Would it also be possible to add the functionality to either remove or rename the default favorites list? I usually add three or four custom lists and have no need for the default one.


Hello Simon,

We've removed these actions already.
And yes, you can remove default favorites list with the corresponding action.

Thank you.

Anna Kozlova
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Hmm, well that only gives me access to the favorites list if the file
is actually in an existing favorites list - if I want to access the
favorites list it's because I want to quickly navigate to a file which
isn't already open!

Also the UI for the new favorites panel isn't too good at the moment -
having three buttons that all look identical for the following
functionality is just confusing (although I'm hoping they are place

- Remove from favorites

- Delete list

- Delete all favorites list apart from project default (is this
functionality really needed? I just accidentally deleted all of my
lists by clicking on the wrong button - may need a confirmation

Would it also be possible to add the functionality to either remove or
rename the default favorites list? I usually add three or four custom
lists and have no need for the default one.


Ah brilliant :)

As to my original question - from an open file, what's the easiest shortcut to open up a favorites list if the file doesn't exist in any favorites list? Is this something which can be mapped in the key mappings? (I'm being a bit lazy with that last question...)


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