setup Grails project with in-place plugins
I have the following directory structure
In grails-app/conf/BuildConfig I've added the necessary configuration to ensure that the plugins are loaded from the
pluginsdirectory, so that when I run the application, it picks up the most recent changes.
I'm trying to set this up as a single project in IntelliJ which has 3 modules, one for the main application and one for each of the two plugins. I tried the following:
Generate the IntelliJ project files
cd fuse-view/fuse-view-web
grails integrate-with --intellij
Open the generated .ipr file from inside Intellij (File | Open Project...). This adds the main application and plugins as Grails modules
However every time I open a class from a plugin, IntelliJ reports that the class is a duplicate. My guess is that this is because IntelliJ is also finding these classes in
Is there a way to prevent this, or some other way of correctly setting up a Grails app and some in-place plugins as a single IntelliJ project. I'm using Grails 1.3.7 and IntelliJ 10.5.4
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