Strange Editor Behavior

I am seeing some very bizzare behavior when trying to create a string litteral that contains 10 to 20 dashes (i.e. "-"). if I type a series of dahses by holding down the dash key, the editor seems to print out a space instead of a dash every other time a character is printed. What is even stranger is that if I try to create the same line of dashes enclosed in double quotes the dashes are added inside the quotes and spaces are appended after the end quote, leaving me with something that looks like this:


" );

Is anyone else seeing this? I'm running build 3438 on OS X 10.4.2.


I forgot to use the "preformatted text" tags. This is what the line should have looked like:


" );


I can't seem to get the formatting right. In the editor there seems to be one space inserted between the last double quote and the closing paranthesis for every dash that was inserted in between the double quotes.

Permanently deleted user

Maybe this is a font kerning issues? I mean, are the spaces really there or they dashes just seem to be spaced out? Try copying the text in question and copying it on another text editor to verify this; you may want to change the editor font if this turns out to be true.


I tried cutting and pasting the line and the spaces do not seem to be there. I also tried several other fonts with the same outcome. It's wierd because it only happens with dashes. I've checked the code formatting page for spaces and there doesn't seem to be a setting that could cause this. I'm assuming that you don't see the behavior.

Permanently deleted user

I've seen this (and weider stuff) before, but only for a couple of non-standard (CJK) fonts. I'm on Windows XP, not sure about you.


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