Problems with GitHub plugin using an account with public key

I can't get the GitHub plugin to verify my credentials if I use a GitHub account that has a public key. If I use an account without a public key everything works fine.

I'm not sure why the GitHub plugin uses password authentication instead of public key, at lest does the configuration suggest that.

Has anyone got this working?

My setup is 64-bit osx, java and IntelliJ. I've done the following in my attempts to get it working:

Configured the Git plugin

  1. Set the path to the git executable.
  2. Selected native ssh.

Checking out from Git works fine.

Set up my ssh

.ssh/config is

     User git
     PreferredAuthentications publickey
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/git_rsa

I've verified that


works fine but tests all private keys in .ssh

Set up OSX Key chain

Added all my private ssh keys  with ssh-add.


Martin Zachrison



It works fine for me.
See the screencast on how I clone (other operations like pull or push also work for me):
Do I perform the same steps as you?

Which error do you get?

Permanently deleted user

The message I get when trying to enter my credentials in the GitHub plugin is "Cannot loging using given credentials". Note that if I remove all my public keys from the github account, then Idea accept my crendentials. So cleary it is Idea that does not get access to my private ssh key.

I saw on your screen cast that you get prompted for you passphrase, I don't get that prompt. Could it be OSX Keychain that handles it?



Martin, could you please post there the content of your .git/config file.
(Of course you may remove all private information if there is any)

Also could you please see to the Version Control console (it's located here: and see if there are any error messages there at the time of authentication failure.

Attaching idea.log would also help.


Permanently deleted user

The .git/config file is only present when I've managed to clone from GitHub. But I'v can give you the content from on git repo:

repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
wmstate = normal
geometry = 931x451+297+185 264 203
[branch "lift"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/lift

There is no activity in the Version Control when I try to do GitHub login. Note that I don't get a prompt for my passphrase, I only get the "Login to GitHub" pop up window with a Login and Password input fields. If I run tcpdump I see https comunication, and if I remove all my private keys from the GitHub account it works.

And did you try to login to github? What happens in that case?

Note that GitHub plugin requires you being logged in to your account on github - thus the plugin allows you to see your repositories, etc.

You can also try to disable GitHub plugin and try to work only with Git plugin. Does the error persist in that case?

Permanently deleted user

Top be clear.

  1. I can login on GitHub with the login/password on GitHubs web.
  2. I can run ssh from the command line and it works
  3. If I remove all my private keys from the GitHub account the GitHub plugin works
  4. I can check out from with the Git Integration plugin, it will use my private ssh key, regardless if the GitHub plugin is enabled or not.

I suspect that the GitHub plugin/Idea does not use my private ssh keys when accessing GitHub.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Martin,

Thanks a lot for the detailed description, I've managed to reproduce this problem and it is already fixed. Fix will be available within next published IntelliJ IDEA version.




As Oleg said, the problem is with GitHub plugin. So until the next release (which probably will be IDEA 10.0.2) the best solution for you is disabling GitHub plugin and working with pure Git plugin.
All Git integration functionality will remain.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks, I'll be waiting by my internet connection.

Permanently deleted user

Hi -

I believe I am seeing this same issue with IJ 10.0.3.   Any updates on when a fix will be available (or am I missing something)?

Thanks - ATM

Permanently deleted user

Ignore this - sorry.  I was using my email address for my username, which works on, but not in IJ.


I have got quite a similar ptoblem - if I can reuse the report above:

  1. I can login on GitHub with the login/password on GitHubs web.
  2. I can run ssh from the command line and it works
  3. If I remove all my private keys from the GitHub account the GitHub plugin still DOES NOT work
  4. I can check out from with the Git Integration plugin, it will use my private ssh key, regardless if the GitHub plugin is enabled or not.

My .ssh/config is:

User git
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_ddimitrov

I did a quick monitoring with procmon and I can see that IDEA exchanges a bunch of https requests with, then launches git, which launches console, which launches git and in the end, git terminates suspiciously shortly after not being able to fing quserx.dll (no idea what that is).

Meanwhile, IDEA shows me a dialog asking me for my github URL credentials (I use '', <my git user-name> (not email), <password-that-works-on-web>). Then a progress bar flashes twice for about 2 seconds and the login diaog pops again with red text that it can not log me in with these credentials.


Please check that you use SSH, not HTTP url for your GitHub repository.
You can check this in .git/config or by running git remote -v
HTTP(S) authentication for Git repositories is not supported yet by IDEA.


This happens when I try to login to GitHub without having opened a project, using 'Check out from Version control'.
Altogether, part of an exercise that I'm trying to create a getting-started readme file for my project with step-by-step instructions.
I'd like to minimize the number of steps to get a full working environment.


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