RC1 (#3415) doesn't take settings from previous version

When it started up, it asked me if I wanted to use my settings from my previous version. I said yes and it asked me to tell it where to find my previous version. I did that but it did not keep my settings. I had to re-enter my license keys, my previous projects, and I am still finding stuff. Could it be that your logic doesn't work on OS X which doesn't keep its settings inside the application directory?


This is not specific to Mac. I just had the same thing happen on crappy-old XP. FYI I used the zip file, not the windows .exe. I expanded the zip on top of my existing IntelliJ home as usual. On startup it asked for a previous installation to import the settings, and I selected the same directory, the one in which it was currently operating.

Same result: all settings were ignored.


Michael Hoefer wrote:

This is not specific to Mac. I just had the same thing happen on crappy-old XP. FYI I used the zip file, not the windows .exe. I expanded the zip on top of my existing IntelliJ home as usual. On startup it asked for a previous installation to import the settings, and I selected the same directory, the one in which it was currently operating.

Same result: all settings were ignored.

That's interesting. On XP, I used the windows zip file but expanded it to a new directory;
pointed the settings import to the previous eap directory and my settings were imported.
All except my plugins anyway.
It seems that, by default, the new release uses C:\Documents and
Settings\username\.IntelliJIdea50 to store the config and system folders, and while it
copies the settings, it does not copy the plugins.


ignored my current license, too, although i guess i should have expected that.


You should not have been unzipping over.
When installed over previous installation settings import is not supported.
(Clarifying message for the user just added).


Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"


I think this has been stated a million times. Don't unzip an eap over an old
eap. Just seems like common sense to me.

"Michael Hoefer" <iceman@niku.com> wrote in message

This is not specific to Mac. I just had the same thing happen on
crappy-old XP. FYI I used the zip file, not the windows .exe. I expanded
the zip on top of my existing IntelliJ home as usual. On startup it asked
for a previous installation to import the settings, and I selected the
same directory, the one in which it was currently operating.


Same result: all settings were ignored.


Just don't want this topic to stray too far...

The issue I reported is not related to unzipping over top of an existing EAP. I have installed every EAP to a new clean directory.


Right, but this installer was changed for RC1. What worked in previous EAPs looks like it wouldn't work now. In particular, settings are being stored to a different directory, presumably for the benefit of non-EAPers who will want to use but 4.5 and 5.0 for some time. You could probably get your settings back by copying the old directory to the new (which presumably the installer would have done had you not overwritten).

--Dave Griffith


Maxim Shafirov (JetBrains) wrote:

You should not have been unzipping over.
When installed over previous installation settings import is not
supported. (Clarifying message for the user just added).

Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"

I want to add that, while importing the settings from B#3408 basically
worked, it didn't copy the plugins and seems to have lost all "plugin
settings" when opening the project (e.g. JBoss plugin run
configurations) - they didn't come back after the plugins were installed.




Dropping plugins from the export was intentional since export is mostly for
IDEA 4.5/4.0/3.0 users whoes plugins won't most probably work in 5.0.

Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"


Maxim Shafirov (JetBrains) wrote:

Dropping plugins from the export was intentional since export is mostly
for IDEA 4.5/4.0/3.0 users whoes plugins won't most probably work in 5.0.
Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"

Makes sense.

However, it would be really nice if 5.0 compatible versions of plugins that the user has in
their earlier version were suggested (and optionally installed) by the export/import process.



I don't many plugins (except for the ones installed out of the box). It was mostly the settings for keyboard, app server, jvm, code style, editor fonts, etc. that did not get copied over.

It seemed like you guys were trying to pull this stuff from the application directory and that is not where they are located under OS X.


No, we take an IDEA installation home from Application directory and then
take its Info.plist and location of the config directory from there.

Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"


Then that didn't work in this last build.


Is that true you've installed RC1 over previously existed installation and
specified that as installation home in the import settings dialog?
This scenario is not supported (obviously, there's no old Info.plist to take
paths from) and special warning added in 3416.

Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"

Then that didn't work in this last build.


I don't think the original problem reported here has ANYTHING to do with installing over an existing version. I use linux, installed the new 3415 in a brand new directory, specified /home/grant/.IntelliJIdea/ as the old directory, and was told it was invalid. As far as I'm aware, the installation directory and the directory where your configurations, license, etc are stored are two separate directories !

Having said that, it may clearer if Idea tells you which directory it is expecting you to enter. Oh, and then make it actually work too.


previous IDEA version installation home was expected. The message have been
corrected to make that certain.


Maxim Shafirov
"Develop with pleasure!"


I have no previous versions of Irida.
I performed a clean install of 5.0 RC1 in a new directory (on XP)
When prompted for previous version, I pointed to the home directory of an official version of InitelliJ 4.5.3, and was informed that this was not a valid IntelliJ home.

The settings importing DEFINITELY DOESNT WORK.


Furthermore - it does not seem possible to get InitelliJ (3417) to re-present the import settings dialog, even after an uninistall and reinstall..

Where is the flag set that triggers the import settings dialog? - how I can I reset this?


okay worked this out - just delete the .IntelliJIdea directory from the current users' Documents and Settings folder..


until this works I wont be bothering with IntelliJ 5 - I have too much configuration setup in 4.5.3


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