How to retrieve plugin source?

A lot of plugins are marked as "Opensource" at
How can I download sources (author have uploaded them in .zip when added this plugin to of such plugin? I didn't find any links on plugin page except sometimes links to official repositories in description.


Hi Roman,

Check the "Website" or "SourceCode" field on the plugin page -- usually it leads to Google Code/github/etc

Permanently deleted user

"Usually" "Website" very often is N/A. What is "SourceCode" field?
Let's take, for example, the first by albabet plugin - AAHack (, how can I retrive source uploded to by author?


I agree -- these fields are not always populated properly and sometimes you may find sources just by following some links on plugin description/comments (they may lead to documentation/wiki/bugtracker/etc pages, but 1-2 more clicks and you are looking at the sources).

For example (I have looked at most new plugins listed at plugins home page:

The above were the newest/updated plugins listed on Plugins home page at the time of writing this post for IntelliJ IDEA & PhpStorm (5 + 3 (as 2 are duplicates) = 8)

As for the plugin you have mentioned -- the best idea will be to contact the author by email --  (plugin was last updated almost 3.5 years ago & this code *possibly* was already merged into product itself)

Permanently deleted user

Thanks. Usually I need just same old plugins in oder to adopt them for new versions of IDEA. I thought when author add opensource plugin .zip-file with sources is mandatory field - many opensource licenses forbid distribution binary files without accessible sources. It's a pity that not all sources are available.


You can always just use JAD to recreate the sources...what you do with them after that depends on the license.

Permanently deleted user

1/ there's no reference to this plugin being open source
2/ seems it's also a dead plugin (not updated since first version in 2007)


Thibaut wrote:

1/ there's no reference to this plugin being open source

Yes there is, the header clearly states "opensource software" ;)

Permanently deleted user

1. JAD supports only java up to 1.3 and produce often incorrect results. In general, using decompiler for opensource software is some kind of blasphemy.
2. GPL-compatible licences allow modifing code and creating other products based on it.


Yes but... it does work when you don't have the source due to the author having fallen off the face of the planet.

It is simple pragmatism.

Permanently deleted user

So, why don't you contact the author, instead of all this hullabaloo :)

It's not certain he's off the net. For example the bsh plugin ( is also his and has an update date of 2009-12, not all that old.


carloscs wrote:

So, why don't you contact the author, instead of all this hullabaloo :)

Because I don't have the intentions as the thread starter. I just wanted to get the facts right :)

Permanently deleted user

That plugin is only example. I've started this thread because distribution binary files without sources (which should available at least on demand) is violation of GPL and many other opensource license. distribute opensource products and cannot give to customer sources. Even more - it sometimes can't specify concrete license and it's text. This is not proper behavior in opensource world. So I thought that I have missed necessary link in heavy-weight interface - nothing more.


So what is it that you want? How can we help you.

(Actually I just discovered so at least something useful has come from this)

Permanently deleted user

"This Question is Answered" (status of thread) ;) - I have realized that I didn't miss any link to sources.
P.S. JD is good decompiler. But it doesn't understand using of final variales in inner classes and some other moments. Thanks anyway.


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