Inspections *completely* disabled? Bug?


This is with IntelliJ 10.0.2 on Ubuntu.

I am trying to track down a problem one of my workmates just experienced. This afternoon, after doing we don't know what, inspections were no longer running and errors were no longer being shown either in the editor pane (red highlighting) or in the gutter. We checked and the inspections seemed to still be enabled, and we saw no checkbox or control which might have disabled them. He disabled, then removed, two third-party plugins he had added, but even after restarting that didn't help.

He then renamed his ~/.IntelliJIdea10 directory and allowed a new one to be created from scratch. He did this twice. The first time he re-imported settings he was using before, and the problem still appeared. The second time he did not re-import his settings, and inspections were back.

We are trying to figure out if this is a bug or a setting/checkbox we don't know about. He has his old settings directory backed up in case you want us to root around for a particular file.

Thanks in advance,


Hello Patrick,

This problem is caused by outdated plugins (Scala and Clojure in particular).

This is with IntelliJ 10.0.2 on Ubuntu.

I am trying to track down a problem one of my workmates just
experienced. This afternoon, after doing we don't know what,
inspections were no longer running and errors were no longer being
shown either in the editor pane (red highlighting) or in the gutter.
We checked and the inspections seemed to still be enabled, and we saw
no checkbox or control which might have disabled them. He disabled,
then removed, two third-party plugins he had added, but even after
restarting that didn't help.

He then renamed his ~/.IntelliJIdea10 directory and allowed a new one
to be created from scratch. He did this twice. The first time he
re-imported settings he was using before, and the problem still
appeared. The second time he did not re-import his settings, and
inspections were back.

We are trying to figure out if this is a bug or a setting/checkbox we
don't know about. He has his old settings directory backed up in case
you want us to root around for a particular file.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

My colleague hasn't taken the time to reproduce this (after resetting his configuration from scratch), but he knows that before the inspections "broke" he had installed the "QAPlug - PMD" plugin. However, he says that even after he removed the plugin the inspections were still broken - perhaps some IntelliJ configuration file was affected?

In any case, we'll go with the assumption this was a buggy plugin issue.

Thanks for your reply,


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