Are IDEA work with subversion?
Denis Kostousov
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Are IDEA work with subversion?
Denis Kostousov
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There is a plugin for 3.0.5 that doesn't work with Aurora. But, the plugin isn't as sophisticated as the CVS integration of either 3.0.5 or Aurora. It doesn't color the file names based on status and it doesn't have a tree view of your project. Just basic update/commit. Hopefully the developer will update it for Aurora so we can at least have that update/commit in IDEA again.
no way to use SubVersion with 4.x ????
Hey developers whats the status ?
The plugin does work with 4.0 -- just download it from the homepage instead of downloading it from IDEA's plugin browser. However, it's still far from the usefulness of CVS plugin.
i am using the subversion plugin packaged in eap. however.. the show history does not work? throws a ClassCastException. does anyone else have the same problem?
bin zhu wrote:
Yep, if you want to add a bug in JIRA for it, add a sub-issue to
IDEA-220 which is a top-level Subversion bug i entered.