Tracker: issues cleaning
A few weeks ago Eugene mentioned a tracker cleaning up. So, when we will be able to mark issues as it was suggested, or even able to completly delete issues we don't want to keep anymore?
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We are getting ready. By the way, what we were thinking of is to use votes
for those requests to transfer to the new database. In other words, you
place at least one vote and the request will get transferred. What do you
Best regards,
Eugene Belyaev
President, CTO
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
IMO, votes are not a good choice. Just put a simple checkbox.
I suspect that hundreds of old requests will be candidate for
resuscitation, so I think it's worth spending a little more time on the
I'd favour a slightly more complex, but more effective/useful process.
STEP 1: the author color tag his issues:
- the issue author has the right to choose the current value of his request
Green: "I believe it's worth you spend time implementing it"
Dark green: high priority
Green: normal priority
Light green: low priority, but don't forget about it
Orange: "I'm not so sure. What do you think?"
Red: "It's a bad idea. I'm ashamed to have ever posted it"
STEP 2.a : people add new comments (optional)
- the author can use this to clarify, or update his request.
- new comments show up differently from old comments:
- a different background colour, per entry, when seen through the web
interface, or html newsgroup mail
- in the newsgroups ascii mail : a prefix marker,
STEP 2.b : people vote (optional)
- everybody could vote
cat+3 : very good idea
cat+2 : good idea
cat+1 : interesting
cat+0 : harmless, but not useful
cat-1: not a good idea
cat-2: bad idea
cat-3: very bad idea
I think I need more votes. Would we get a new supply of votes to use?
I would add a first pass to this proposition:
- Every user can right away delete any issues he filed and he now deems stupid or obsolete.
I think this would cut down the number of issues by a good chunk, specially on the "obsolete" department. Right now I have 58 issues open by me; I would keep, at most, 20 of those and right away delete the rest of them.
Marcus Brito wrote:
>I would add a first pass to this proposition:
>- Every user can right away delete any issues he filed and he now deems stupid or obsolete.
This is not necessary: just tag as 'red' the issues that you authored
and that you want to kill.
Once the new database is in place, are you going to keep the
old one around for a little while? Even in its current state the
existing database is a goldmine of information submitted by
users overtime. Lots of noise but also lots of gems that we
might find useful to go back to in the future.
Vincent Mallet wrote:
Of course this will be kept (forever?) cause we have a lot of links to
the ITN request IDs ourselves.
Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"