recovering live templates
I have inadvertantly deleted some of the standrard templates delivered with Intellij. Is there a way to recover them?
I have tried restarting IDEA with a deleted config directory but somehow I do not see in the xml files(.IntelliJidea90/config/templates/) for all the templates I see in the UI. For example my iterations.xml file contains 1 template while the GUI shows 9... so some templates are comming from somewhere else... but where?
I have also tried copying the xml files from some other users but with little success.
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Hello Florian,
The standard templates are stored inside the IDEA jar files. To recover them,
remove the nodes from config\options\other.xml.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
what 'nodes' are you talking about. There is a lot of stuff in this file.
Sorry, forum software removed xml markup. The post was about 'deleted_template' nodes.