search history per file
sometimes I wish to have search history not per file.
e.g. I hit ctrl-f to search for mySearchTerm
then I realize that I'm on the wrong file
- go to correct file, hit ctrl-f again, but mySearchTerm is not in the history, so I have to type it again
do you have an idea how it could be implemented to be able to access the last entered searchTerm maybe?
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Hi Michael,
You can press 'Ctrl + F' and <arrow-down> at second find to get access to complete search history used with other files as well.
I'm pretty sure you mean CTRL-F CTRL-F (one to activate the local find bar and a second to show the history of saved search patterns) after which the arrow up and down keys can be used to select from within that list and ENTER to chose the selected entry.
Randall Schulz
Hey Randal,
Just checked that 'Ctrl + F & Ctrl + F' produces the same effect as 'Ctrl + F + <arrow-down>'.
Regards, Denis
For me, CTRL-F DOWN-ARROW immediately starts sequencing thorugh hits of the default pattern that's in the find text-field upon typing CTRL-F.
Randall Schulz
I think my problem is that if I
1. ctrl-f in one file, then type e.g. "abc"
2. then realize it is the wrong file, go to another file, ctrl-f and arrow-down - "abc" does not appear.
I think if I insert
1a. hit esc to make the search box disappear
then the abc is saved in the history and then it will be available in the other windows.
So this extra clicking escape could be saved if you add "abc" to the search history if another file is becoming the active editor window.
However, that seems to be rather low-priority task.
thanks for the reply.
well, it did confuse me quite a bit.
but seems like I'm the only one ;-)
would be nice if you find the time to change it...
Please create corresonding ticket at IDEA tracker.
would like to, but it's too time consuming for me currently.
Could you create that tracker entry? or is it somehow required that a customer enters it?
if so, could you provide me with a direct link to the tracker?
Hi Michael,
Here is the link - IDEA tracker.
Please describe the change proposal in details, i.e. clearly define what changes are suggested to be performed.
Regards, Denis
thanks, done: