Invalid painting in #2148 Permanently deleted user Created June 29, 2004 07:26 See attached screenshot. It happened on pure instalation of #2148.-- likeapearAttachment(s):sshot.png
likeapear wrote:
Yeah, some sort of repaint problem:
Yep. Seeing a lot of that at the moment.
Me too (,
need to go back to previous build.
Same here on Linux.
I see it too. Not only in the popups as per your screenshot, but all intention popups in the editor as well.
Running on Linux
Problem solved in #2151
-- likeapear
"likeapear" <> pí¹e v diskusním pøíspìvku news:cbr21u$p07$
See attached screenshot. It happened on pure instalation of #2148.
-- likeapear