Why should i upgrade from Version 3.0.5 to 4.0 ?

I have a personal-license for Version 3.0.5 and have it installed on one
workstation, on another computer i have the 4.0 EAP installed.
I worked a lot on both versions.
I'm really asking myself why i should upgrade to version 4.0, cause i don't
see so big differences in the versions.
My main purpose is to use it as an editor for writing java-code and doing
I'm not doing EJB, i don't use cvs, i have only one module, i cant' use the
GUI-Designer,because of its limitation to ship my GUI with IntelliJ classes.
(BTW: Is anybody using the GUI-Designer ? I never(last months) read
something about it in this newsgroup. Does it have an extra ng ?)

What are the main advantages(killer featues) for using 4.0 instead of
Version 3.0.5 ?
Is ist worth 299 Euro for upgrading ?


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My biggest reason for upgrading is the hotswap support. That one feature saves me lots of time making me more productive. Other features I find very nice are

1. split editor
2. column mode

Permanently deleted user

Code completion is also smarter, the new junit integration rocks, and if you want to count plug ins, Inspection Gadgets alone is worth the upgrade (and it probably won't be ported back to 3.0).

Permanently deleted user

Carsten Schäfer wrote:

I have a personal-license for Version 3.0.5 and have it installed on one
workstation, on another computer i have the 4.0 EAP installed.
I worked a lot on both versions.
I'm really asking myself why i should upgrade to version 4.0, cause i don't
see so big differences in the versions.
My main purpose is to use it as an editor for writing java-code and doing
I'm not doing EJB, i don't use cvs, i have only one module, i cant' use the
GUI-Designer,because of its limitation to ship my GUI with IntelliJ classes.
(BTW: Is anybody using the GUI-Designer ? I never(last months) read
something about it in this newsgroup. Does it have an extra ng ?)

The newsgroup is jetbrains.intellij.eap.uidesigner.

What are the main advantages(killer featues) for using 4.0 instead of
Version 3.0.5 ?

  • The InspectionGadgets plugin requires 4.0 and is almost worth upgrading

for by itself!

  • The packages view.

  • Support for generics.

  • Better source code formatting (including formatting of JavaDoc, at last!).

  • Macros

  • Ability to diff two files from within the project (or even to diff a

selection against the clipboard).

  • Much better JUnit integration.

  • The plugin manager.

  • ... and much, much more.

BTW, although they may not seem useful to you now, modules are worth looking
into. Once you get used to them, they can be hard to live without!

Is ist worth 299 Euro for upgrading ?

Definitely (IMO).

Vilya Harvey
vilya.harvey@digitalsteps.com / digital steps /
(W) +44 (0)1483 469 480
(M) +44 (0)7816 678 457 http://www.digitalsteps.com/

Permanently deleted user

In article <c0q8i2$rhu$1@is.intellij.net>,
"Carsten Schäfer" <ca_schaefer@gmx.de> wrote:

What are the main advantages(killer featues) for using 4.0 instead of
Version 3.0.5 ?

I like:

- wildcards in "go to class"
- "go to symbol"
- better Mac OS X support

Is ist worth 299 Euro for upgrading ?

I hope it's worth it to my company, 'cause I'm going to ask them to pay
for it :)

If I had to pay for it myself and I could write it off as a business
expense, then I'd probably do it.

If I couldn't write it off, then I'm not sure I would. Actually, if I
were doing Java just for fun, I'd probably struggle with Eclipse
instead. It's a weird program, but it is free. (Or maybe I'd get the
IDEA personal license if I was quick enough to buy it when announced.)

Permanently deleted user

Correction: InspectionGadgets definitely won't be back-ported to 3.0.5. Creating InspectionGadgets required JetBrains opening up the inspections API (closed in 3.0.5), and then they added at least two rounds of improvements after that. I won't say it's impossible to back-port it, but it would require both an enormous amount of work and breaking of the 3.0.5 license by disassembly.

As for "Why to upgrade?": Split editor panes, the new CVS integration, the new JUnit runner, background search, search with wildcards, search for arbitrary symbols, the new module system. I'm even warming to the GUI builder, although it's not without warts.

--Dave Griffith

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&gt; Is ist worth 299 Euro for upgrading ?

You should be able to upgrade for $149, if I remember correctly.

Permanently deleted user

Yes, if you have "Personal" license that is you paid and not your company, then it is $149. Quite a deal indeed.

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what is the price if our company has around 20 licences and want to upgrade ??

Permanently deleted user

Just contact the JetBrains sales department (sales@jetbrains.com) and they'll give you a bulk quote.


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