Keep xxx on one line bug?
When I create a getter or setter and I have "Keep simple methods on one line" on in the Work in Progress tab of Code Style, I expect:
public String getAimExp() { return aimExp; }
Instead, IDEA produces:
public String getAimExp() {
return aimExp;
I thought this was a bug, but then I found request which was marked Fixed without any discussion or comments. Another bug,, was marked Obsolete, even though part of his request is not obsolete - he requested different settings for creating methods.
What does everyone think? Why wouldn't you want getters and setters to be placed on one line if you have "Keep simple methods on one line" checked?
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There might be a separate option to generate getters/setters in one line but
it looks like "keep simple methods in one line" should not affect this.
"Keep" and "generate" are not the same.
Valentin Kipiatkov
Chief Scientist, Vice President of Product Development
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Keith Lea" <> wrote in message
line" on in the Work in Progress tab of Code Style, I expect:
> which was marked
Fixed without any discussion or comments. Another bug,, was marked
Obsolete, even though part of his request is not obsolete - he requested
different settings for creating methods.
placed on one line if you have "Keep simple methods on one line" checked?