Datasources tables definition in the ipr file, maybe not such a good idea
Hi JetBrains,
After getting a few OOM exceptions when trying to compare my IPR with the
version on the server, I had the unpleasant surprise of finding the reason
for the failure: my IPR is 9 megs in size. The datasource information ended
up in the IPR, and I only have one datasource set up at this point.
Why is that information stored there, instead of a separate file? Actually,
one per datasource would be more appropriate. And this should definitely
be linked to the workspace, not the project, now every time somebody changes
it the whole team needs to reload the project (and everybody use the same
While I can see how you'd consider that part of the project (for the code
completion/validation), the fact that you offer a JDBC console tells the
user they can use this for inspecting data in different databases. And our
project deals with several at a time (for various reasons).
Could we have this addressed sooner rather than later? Maybe something like
the run configs, where the info ends up in the iws (with different files
for the content) while the project setting keeps info only about the one
to be applied to the codebase.
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On creating and copying a data source there is an option to save it under .IntelliJIdea/config directory.
Hello Alexander,
AC> On creating and copying a data source there is an option to save it
AC> under .IntelliJIdea/config directory.
I see. It's great the global option stores the data elsewhere (I didn't make
the connection between the option and the location), I'll use that from now
on. However, I think the project option should do something similar, store
the definition in the ipr and the actual data in a different file, so the
ipr does not get changed with every schema refresh, but still have an option
to share the configs.
Thanks for the tip, this definitely solves a major issue for me.
Hi Andrei, IMHO a JIRA request should be issued anyway. DB schemas have
nothing to do with project structure.
Could you please file one?
Hello Dmitry,
DA> Hi Andrei, IMHO a JIRA request should be issued anyway. DB schemas
DA> have
DA> nothing to do with project structure.
DA> Could you please file one?
Sure, here it is: