Any plugin for this: which method am I in?

Is there any plugin that would show the method name in which the caret is currently located?

Never mind: I keep forgetting about Alt-Q (View Menu - Context Info). But, it'll be nice to have the method name displayed live on the status bar, a la Emacs in the good old days.

Edited by: upilogue on Nov 11, 2008 12:49 PM


Hello Upilogue,

Is there any plugin that would show the method name in which the caret
is currently located?

Try pressing Alt-Q.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

At least in Diana, AltQ does not show me a method, it shows me the class. Can use, with default Idea keymap AltUp arrow to jump to the class definition.

It's always a good idea to avoid writing methods that can't fit in a screenful on a normal desktop/laptop screen. That's only ok on an average smartphone screen...

Permanently deleted user

Make sure you try it in when the cursor is actually within a method whose decalration you can't see because it has scrolled past the top of the screen.

I find that if the editor is showing the entire method, then Alt-Q shows the class declaration; but if the editor is not showing the entire method, then Alt-Q shows the method declaration. Very slick.

Permanently deleted user

And actually Alt-Q can be pressed several times in a sequence and each time it shows the upper construction - e.g. first shows the method name (if it is out of the screen), then the class.


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