discovered cool icons for the next version
i've found very nice looking icons on
my idea was that you can use this icons for the next version of IDEA!? imho these are the nicest icons i've ever saw! i realy love them!
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$130 per icons package? I think it's realy big cost.
"Michael Seele" <> wrote in message
imho these are the nicest icons i've ever saw! i realy love them!
Also L&F:
"Michael Seele" <> wrote in message
imho these are the nicest icons i've ever saw! i realy love them!
imho it's not to high for that bulk of icons. please calculate the costs for a designer which create that size of icons! i think its higher!!!
i know! ;)
We know together :)
"Michael Seele" <> wrote in message
Michael Seele wrote:
Why? What's wrong with the icon set IDEA has already?
Thanks for pointing out that website though. I agree that they are nice
icons. I think I'll try to get my company to purchase them, for use on our
Swing projects - I've seen first hand how a nice icon set can make a
massive difference to the perceived quality of a product.
Vilya Harvey / digital steps /
(W) +44 (0)1483 469 480
(M) +44 (0)7816 678 457
Michael Seele wrote:
This is true, but the range is limited, and if everyone starts using
those where is the originality in the look and feel of an application
JetBrains pays designers for a reason, and I love the icons they've been
working on. The icon and look and feel have a very distinct signature,
and I think their designers are amazing.
nothing is wrong with the IDEA icons used already! but imho the icons on this site looking better than the IDEA icons. and when they change the icons in the next version, they can use this finished icons and must not create ne one(for more money)!
But i like IDEA icons...
Will be nice to have plugable icons set
"Michael Seele" <> wrote in message
this site looking better than the IDEA icons. and when they change the icons
in the next version, they can use this finished icons and must not create ne
one(for more money)!
Vilya Harvey wrote:
>> my idea was that you can use this icons for the next version of IDEA!?
I agree. After being initially unsure about the current IDEA icons, I've
come to think the IDEA icons are generally great. I also like the ones
on the IconExperience website. Maybe the IDEA folks can glean something
from peeking at IconExperience, but between the two, my vote goes for
IDEA's icons.
I gotta agree with Robert here. I like the current icons, as well as the L&F, very much.
(although I am glad you pointed out that site... ]]>)
"Alexey Efimov" <> wrote in message
There should be a limit for customization. When two developers discuss a
problem and a solution, how would they interact? "Use this option from
menu..." - "Which one? I have them renamed" - "Then use this toolbutton?" -
"Which one? I replaced it" - "Then this key combination" - "I had it
remapped" - "Then check out for red messages" - "All my messages are green".
There should be something that cannot be changed, that defines the product,
that gives it its identity and allows for ease of use by different people
and in teams.
At some step product designer should say "No" to customization.
I think this is not real reason, eh? ;)
But i still think customization is good, and skinable application is pretty
for user.
Sure, renaming menu items (not translating) is no good, but for debuging
must be used unique ID for action/button etc, to prevent situation about you
And, i talk only for icons set ;) Not global customization
Thank you!
"Michael Jouravlev" <> wrote in message
toolbutton?" -
I guess you're already familiar with This is also a pretty nice looking l&f.