Are you IDEA-infected?
I wish to say about some phenomenon of my development expertise. I'm to
young to make such conclusion, maybe. But i try, correct me, please, if i'll
3 years ago i have 2-3 IDE for programming on one language and i was
convinced that is a normal. So i have writen Java/C++ code in SlickEdit, in
CBuilder, in VisualStudio, in UltraEdit, and even in Notepad. All my
compilation process at my first time programming was an batch script writen
by myself. Then i know about ANT i start used it, but still separately from
IDE editors.
And, 2 years ago i get IntelliJ IDEA and try evaluate it. I keep my
SlickEdit, UltraEdit etc (just in case). But after month i remove thiese
editors from my system - i use only IDEA.
Now i'm know that IDEA is like an drug, if i need to write somethink on Java
or XML - i always use IDEA (but sometimes i need to use XMLSpy for XSD, no
matter). And i know peoples whith used IDEA for all kind of editors - ASP,
VB etc.
Kent Beck writen about unit-infected code, but i know that i'm is
IDEA-infected developer. I can't imagine Java development without IntelliJ
IDEA. Then me asked, that is in IntelliJ IDEA so good, i just demonstrate
development with it. Peoples look at this for a moment and start used it
(only someone JBuilder fan, say that he does not like IDEA, no matter
I very interesting to know about other developer in this community, hope
that i not uniquie crazy infected man :)
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I know what you mean. Whenever I need to work on someone else's machine or something, the idea of not using IDEA seems so unpleasant. It's like my mom asking me to clean up my room.
I was showing my wife an example of something, writing a little java class in notepad, and I kept hitting all the IDEA hotkeys. :) It's a blessing and a curse.
very similar to vi. When I don't have vi i end up with :w all over my code :(
Absolutely. I had to work on some Installshield scripts last week via the Installshield "IDE". What an astoundingly limited experience. How do you code without Ctrl-W? Or Ctrl-D? Or Ctrl-Alt-L? When double-clicking on a symbol doesn't take you to the definition? I didn't even have a chance to miss the fancy refactorings and inspections. I was too busy missing ease of editing and navigation.
--Dave "Never ask a man what Java development environment he uses. If it's IDEA, he'll tell you himself. If it's something else, all you've done is embarrass him." Griffith
I have tried to switch to eclipse on several occassions and have not succeeded. Most people I work with (20+) love eclipse and one does not. It turns out the one has used IDEA before and cannot let go of it.
Money is a big factor however and it is hard for a large IS shop to justify spending the 500$/seat on a license where the can get something similar for free.
Justin Hopper wrote:
that's made easier for me. i've never been able to complete project
creation in Eclipse, so never got to using it.
at my workplace, they have the somwhat nonstandard practice of mapping
(clearcase view) directories to virtual WinNT drives. (i don't know what
the proper translation for a "view" would be in a non-clearcase VCS
system). this way, switching to a different view is just a matter of
running a mounting script. all my projects are set up against these
mapped virtual drives. (i mean to say, the sourcecode dir for my project
is set up to be x:\sourcecode rather than
c:\projects\myproject\sourcecode. the meaning of x:\ is established by
running a batch file).
switching views by remounting drives used to be seamless in netbeans.
it's a pain in idea - i often have hangs, i need to shut down open
editor windows and collapse all trees in the project explorer for it to
work properly. it's been impossible in eclipse.
charles decroes wrote:
in netbeans they had a simple code completion feature. Ctrl-J would
search in the code around the cursor and suggest the nearest word(s)
starting with the same letter. not as context-intelligent as idea, but
very often all that you needed - AND it worked in comments and
everywhere. this single feature was SO addictive that i would end up
Ctrl-J'ing in my emails and all apps and expecting it to finish the word
for me!
I didn't even know what CtrlW did, CtrlD isn't bound for me, and I don't need to reformat much (I had to look up what CtrlAltL did as well). So that's how you can code without those. :)
The ones I can't live without are CtrlQ, CtrlN, and the F5-F7-related refactorings. And of course CtrlSpace and CtrlShift+Space.
I think a neat plugin idea would be to count how many times each refactoring and hotkey is used.
that's made easier for me. i've never been able to complete project creation in Eclipse, so never got to using it.
Same here.
The project creation makes no sense to me.
CtrlW is the key to mouseless coding, and generally the coolest selection feature in existence. There's basically no reason to use the mouse to select for a cut-and-paste with CtrlW. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed. I've never used Ctrl+Q, for that matter, although you other selections certainly make my top 20 list.
Especially if you add the wonderful CamelPlugin (thanks Timur!)
It is very interesting to see what people most often use in IDEA!
My top twenty-or-so most-used shortcuts (not counting cursor movement or
Ctrl-Space (usually immediately followed by Left, Space, Right)
"Dave Griffith" <> wrote in message
feature in existence. There's basically no reason to use the mouse to
select for a cut-and-paste with Ctrl+W. Give it a try, you won't be
disappointed. I've never used Ctrl+Q, for that matter, although you other
selections certainly make my top 20 list.
Sounds like a good idea for a plugin.
"Sumit Kishore" <> wrote in message
code :(