How do I use remote debugging?
I'm running weblogic 6.1 and I have put the "-Xdebug -Xnoagent" stuff
in my WL startup script. When I click the bug in IDEA to start
debugging, this is displayed in the debug window:
Connecting to the target VM at 'localhost:5000' using socket transport.
When I run the server code with my breakpoints nothing happens...
Is there somthing I have missed?
/ Jörgen Lundberg
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What OS are you using?
WinXP uses port 5000 internally so it is not available to applications.
Try using another port; 5001+ works on my WinXP box.
"J?rgen Lundberg" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Thanx Sascha,
I am using WinXP... :)
It works now.
/ J?rgen
"Sascha Weinreuter" <> wrote in
>> I'm running weblogic 6.1 and I have put the "-Xdebug -Xnoagent" stuff
>> in my WL startup script. When I click the bug in IDEA to start
>> debugging, this is displayed in the debug window:
>> Connecting to the target VM at 'localhost:5000' using socket
>> transport.
>> When I run the server code with my breakpoints nothing happens...
>> Is there somthing I have missed?
>> / J?rgen Lundberg
First try to change WebLogic startup script. Delete the adress=5000 from java parameters.
When you'll startup Weblogic, server wil report something like: Listenig on port XXXX.
Then use this port number in your remote debbuger.
You'll be able to debbug your application.
I am trying to do the samething.
Using W2K and IntelliJ 2.6 with WLS 6.1.
I have added the line in startWeblogic.cmd for my server:
set -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5555 and trying to remote debug from IntelliJ. Do I need to set anything in IDE?