CVS with SSH
Does anyone have this working in 815? The connection says it tests fine, but then I receive "Cannot load items (null)" message when it tries to scroll the repository structure. Wonder if it is my setup, my cvs client libraries, ???
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Peter Thistleton wrote:
It works like a charm with my setup. ssh authenticates using private/public keys
(no password). I just pointed it to my private key, it picked up all cvs
settings from my existing cvs project and that's it!
Dmitry Skavish
Boston, MA, USA
tel. +1 781 370-6909
Same here. No problem at all (so far, ]]>) _
Chris Laprun wrote:
hmm, when I started Aurora second time and tried to execute one of cvs commands
it told me that it does not know anymore where my private key is. I pointed it
to the right place. After that everything seems back to normal.
Note that before starting Aurora second time I worked in Ariadna for some time,
but they have their settings in different places, so I am not sure whether
Ariadna had something to do with it or not.
Dmitry Skavish
Boston, MA, USA
tel. +1 781 370-6909
Well, I have some trouble. I can, seemingly, do a checkin/checkout, but if I try do make a diff I receive nothing, and history just answer wrong method (I look like the :ext: is lost somewhere...)
Do you use "ext" method or "ssh"? Please look up it in the one of your
CVS/Root files
Best regards,
Olesya Smirnova
JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Frederic Donckels" <> wrote in message
I try do make a diff I receive nothing, and history just answer wrong method
(I look like the :ext: is lost somewhere...)
It's problem with importing your old settings...
Remove all old configurations (they are shown in the configuration list
dialog but they are empty) and create them again
Best regards,
Olesya Smirnova
JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Peter Thistleton" <> wrote in message
but then I receive "Cannot load items (null)" message when it tries to
scroll the repository structure. Wonder if it is my setup, my cvs client
libraries, ???
I installed to a clean directory structure. New IDEA home and separate config directories from my current install. Files show blue when changed but when I run an update I get an "Unknown Error" in the CVS view but no error on the console. If I try to create a new IDEA project and checkout everything from CVS I get the "Cannot Load Items(null)" in the CVSROOT setup. I am running :ext: and use putty/plink as my SSH client.
Nothing specific was written in the root files, so I guess it was ssh whereas I intended to use ext. I removed my whole cvs tree and did the checkout with IntelliJ, now it's working fine. Sorry for the inconvenience.
We have not been able to get CVS/SSH to work with IDEA.
I am using Windows XP Pro; the CVS server in on a linux box. I am able to use cygwin ssh with WinCVS, although a dos windows pops each time to ask for a password. We tried creating a signature to avoid this but never managed.
Now with IDEA, I have set CVS_RSH to ssh.exe, but the dos window never pops up.
"ssh -v " from within cygwin tells me that it is offering private key .ssh/identity, and public keys id_rsa and id_dsa, but these are apparently not accepted as the prompt comes back "Authentications that can continue: publickey,password,keyword-interactive".
Any suggestions?
Hunter Monroe
If you are using :ext: connection method set path to the external RSH and
private key file in the Project Properties->VCS Support page.
Best regards,
Olesya Smirnova
JetBrains, Inc / IntelliJ Software
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Hunter Monroe" <> wrote in message
use cygwin ssh with WinCVS, although a dos windows pops each time to ask for
a password. We tried creating a signature to avoid this but never managed.
pops up.
.ssh/identity, and public keys id_rsa and id_dsa, but these are apparently
not accepted as the prompt comes back "Authentications that can continue:
You might add to your documentation that RedHat 9 disables automatic ssh login by default; the "HostKey" lines in "sshd_config" need to be uncommented. This was my obstacle.