UI Editor
Hi, I'm still trying to use UI editor, but I think it miss some things (maybe I missed them ?) :
Where are some components like JDesktopPane, JSplitPane ?
I understand nothing with the layout : there are only vertical, horizontal and grid layout ? what about gridbag or null layout ?
The last thing is a little more complicated : with Jtable, JTree how will we use custom TableModel, TreeModel & cie ?
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Matthieu Casanova wrote:
We will add these components into the default palette a bit later.
You can easy (more easy then with GridBagLayout) construct almost all
layouts with grids.
You have to bind JTable to some field and after that just set necessary
TableModel. I think that you will many postings here (and on WIKI site)
how to use UI designer.
Best regards,
Vladimir Kondratyev
You can use this topic on TWiki site:
Good luck
Alexey Efimov, Software Engineer
Sputnik Labs,
"Vladimir Kondratyev" <vova@intellij.net> wrote in message
horizontal and grid layout ? what about gridbag or null layout ?
will we use custom TableModel, TreeModel & cie ?
So where are this components like JDesktop pane, etc, 14 years after this post ?
I just can't seem to find them.