Customize scroll bar opacity or color?

I can't find a setting to customize the scrollbar color, opacity, or whether it is in the foreground / background. I did a search, but if it is available, it doesn't seem to be called "scroll bar." Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thank you.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks again - again I will try to put my vote in for this option. I can barely see otherwise I wouldn't care. It might be a problem for TN displays, especially with the Darcula theme. It's also gone to the background behind the color bars indicating there is an issue on a line (TO DO, error, etc) so if you have a lot of these, the scroll bar can be nearly completely masked.

Permanently deleted user

Yes, this has been bugging me as well.  The scroll bar is nearly invisible and very difficult to find.  I primarily use the mouse wheel for up and down scrolling, but to scroll horizontally I use the bottom scrollbar, and it is very difficult to locate it.

Permanently deleted user

Take a look at the Material Theme UI EAP. It has an option to remove the transparency of the scrollbar under Settings->Appearance & Behavior->Material Theme->Transparent Scrollbars.

This used to bother me so much and the Material Theme saved the day. I also genuinely enjoy the theme, but that's just a plus.


Permanently deleted user

You can go in Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> General and then for each parameter you have the "Error stripe mark" option which specifies the color in the scroll bar.


Arseniy Nisnevich's comment: worked for me.  Please consider voting for that and related issues.


Thanks Max! You saved my life. 


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