Terminal not accepting any input
I've just opened WedStorm after a couple of months on non-web work, and my Terminal (Windows, PHPStorm) isn't letting me type into it.
I can select lines, text, and copy, but not type or paste.
I can add new tabs, and still nothing. Have upgraded from 8.01 to 9.01 and no change.
Any ideas!?
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Hi there,
What is your OS version exactly?
Windows 10.
Yikes - this moring when I opened the console, it was blank with just a blinking cursor!
I restarted WS and it came back, but now the same situation with no user input.
You need to use either WebStorm v11 EAP / PhpStorn v9.5 EAP .. or wait until they will be officially released and use workaround for now -- http://stackoverflow.com/a/30170046/783119
Nice one!

Does WS have any functionality to use alternative console / wrappers, like ConEmu or even Git Bash?
So far Con Emu is the only console that's given me anywhere decent syntax highlighting / escape character rendering etc on Windows.
The built in one does not do ssh well:
Or can anyone recommend a Windows console that doesn't suck!?
For SSH -- why don't you use Remote Terminal ?