Find usages... what about declaration?

Neither Ctrl-Shift-F7, nor Alt-F7 do not show the declaration/definition of
a variable. This really bugs me. Is there any setting to show declarations
as well? Idea 3.0.4.

Permanently deleted user

hold down control key and click on the variable

Permanently deleted user

This works, thanks! Still I cannot understand why a declaration is not
included in the tokens, searchable by F3 key: it is only one single
declaration, compared to several usages. I guess I have to file a
"Cosmetics" CR for this... I want declaration to be available at the first
search, and be present in "F3" list.

"charles decroes" <> wrote in message

hold down control key and click on the variable

Permanently deleted user

not sure, submit a request and maybe they'll add it :)

Also try ]]>-f3 for searching


I think the declaration is always shown when you use Alt-F7. There is no checkbox for it in the search dialog, but once you do the search, the top branch of the search result tree is the declaration. Though if all you want to see is the declaration and not any of the usages, it would seem much quicker to just use Ctrl-B, or Ctrl-Click, or Context Menu->Go to->Declaration, or Go To->Declaration.

I agree it would be nice if Ctrl-Shift-F7/F3 would rotate through the declaration as well.


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