File Navigation in IDEA

I noticed that IDEA added a little icon for "Project" in the Path Chooser Dialogs.
I think IDEA could really improve the File Navigation much more.

File->Open File should default to the directory of the currently visible file in Editor Pane.
Maybe this could be setting (on/off), but I think it should be on by default.

File->Add File in Ant Build window should default to directory of currently visible file in Editor Pane.
The project I am working on has a build.xml file in every package directory to allow us to build each
package individually rather than recompiling the entire project. I am finding it a pain to Add the build.xml
file for each package I want to recompile. Navigating the classes is a breeze with the Goto->Declaration and
other navigation tools, but after I make a change in some package, there is no easy way to add the build.xml
file to the Ant Build so that I can recompile the package.

An even more powerful concept would be if Ant Build tool window had a special "current" project folder
which would dynamically select the build.xml based on the file you are currently editing. For example,
if you are in, IDEA should search upwards for a build.xml file. and then display
automatically add it in the "current" slot. This would make compiling from ant a breeze for me!!

Project Hierarchy should allow us to exclude some directories, similar to the Filter Targets
in Ant Build window. I am working on a huge product with 50 other developers, and I touch only about
20% of the packages. I would like to hide all the others by default. I did use the "Flatten Packages"
option which is nice.

Flatten Packages should have some filters to chop off base package name, e.g. "com.intellij",
or abbreviations like "c.i".

From the Editor Pane, I would like to display the File in the Project Hiearchy.
Right-Click on Tab->"Show in Project" which will expand directories as necessary and
autoscroll/reposition to show the File.

The Open File Dialog could really use a Favorites and a MRU (Most Recently Used) List.
Check out FileBox eXtender ( for an addon
to Windows Explorer which does this.
Favorites allows you to add the current directory in File Chooser to your Favorites list.
After that, you can jump to that directory simply by choosing it from the Favorites list.
The MRU List is automatically maintained by IDEA to contain the last X directories which
were used. The directory is considered USED if it was the current directory when you pressed
OK when selecting a file/directory. (Just navigating through the directory in file chooser
doesn't count).

Each separate context of a File Chooser should remember it's last directory independent
of other File Chooser contexts. Example contexts are "Select JDK Home Directory",
"Select Ant build file", File->Open File, etc.

Combining the last two, it would be nice if there were separate Favorites and MRU for
each FileChooser context. For example, I am unlikely to want the same files or directories
when selecting ant build files vs selecting JDK directories.

Goto->File should show any matching files in the directory of the currently edited file first.
I tried Goto->File for build.xml and it found 250 build.xml files. They were just listed in
reverse alphabetical order.



On Thu, 29 May 2003 01:56:44 +0000, Alex wrote:

Project Hierarchy should allow us to exclude some directories, similar to the Filter Targets
in Ant Build window. I am working on a huge product with 50 other developers, and I touch only about
20% of the packages. I would like to hide all the others by default. I did use the "Flatten Packages"
option which is nice.

One I've wished for is the ability to locate the current buffer in the
project explorer ( or commander, and I used that today, only to find it
didn't actually do what I thought ).

...turn to the light - don't be frightened by the shadows it creates,
...turn to the light - turning away could be a terrible mistake
...dream theater - the great debate


here is what i really need for file navigation:


Have you tried Alt-F1?


Mark Derricutt wrote:

One I've wished for is the ability to locate the current buffer in the
project explorer ( or commander, and I used that today, only to find it
didn't actually do what I thought ).

Vilya Harvey, Consultant / digital steps /
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On Thu, 29 May 2003 10:24:04 +0100, Vilya Harvey wrote:

Have you tried Alt-F1?

Brings up the Gnome menu ]]> - but now I know its there, I'll map it to
something usefull.

...turn to the light - don't be frightened by the shadows it creates,
...turn to the light - turning away could be a terrible mistake
...dream theater - the great debate


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