IDEA 3.0 for OSX
It's 23 April, any news ?
On a related note, I downloaded IDEA 2.6 but can't get it to install. It stops at the selecting the JDK screen - and refuses to see the perfectly standard (ie I just let the updater do it's business and put it in the standard location) OSX JDK1.4 install on my machine. Manually navigating to the JDK dir doesn't seem to work either. Any suggestions ?
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Download the EAP build 700 for Mac OS X. It has some issues, but is quite usable.
And speaking of idea 3.0 for the Mac, can any one at JetBrains comment on what is up with that release. Your web site still says it will be available no later than April 22, 2003. It's the 23rd and there is no sign of it. There isn't even an updated EAP build out there for us to try.
Build 701 is the current IDEA 3.0.4 release-candidate for OSX. Please try it
and report problems if any.
Best regards,
Eugene Zhuravlev
JetBrains Inc.,
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Ralph Saunders" <> wrote in message
what is up with that release. Your web site still says it will be available
no later than April 22, 2003. It's the 23rd and there is no sign of it.
There isn't even an updated EAP build out there for us to try.
I've downloaded and installed build 701. Now it's asking me for a Java Home directory. I tried selecting:
But IDEA tells me that "The directory selected is not a valid JDK ho..."
What am I doing wrong?
The home dir is /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.1/Home
I have just installed build 701 (OSX) and cannot convince it to pickup my CVS password, any ideas (boom boom). I have run cvs login and all is well with my CVS setup.
Steve Irwin
Oops... sorry folks, my fault. My recent upgrade to OSX 10.2.5 must have "upgraded" my cvs back to 1.10. A new install of CVS 1.11.5 has things back to normal.
Steve Irwin
Actually, just set the JDK home to: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home. This will go to the latest Java version you have (i.e. 1.4.1). Nifty.
What path do I put in for a web browser on OS X?
/Applications/ didn't work.
Set it to /usr/bin/open and it should work fine (as well as picking up your default browser in a cleaner way).
How are you connecting to your CVS server? I've been unable to get Build 701 to work with cvs on a remote server connecting by either ssh or pserver.
Michael Czeiszperger <> wrote:
Sounds like you have some other problems if you can't even connect with
pserver. Maybe there is a problem with the cvs version you are using or
some network issues (firewal etc.)
I am using ext right now. The cvs program is the version that came with
fink: "Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.2 (client/server)". I
uploaded my public key to sourceforge (a public key without password).
After that I created the following folder: ~/.MacOSX with a file
environment.plist. The file has this contents:
CVS_RSH ssh ]]>
Log off and on again. Setting the correct repository parameters should a
allow you to connect to the server.
I can't tell you much about ssh keys with passwords as I never used them
(for cvs). The credit for this tip goes to someone from this forum. I
would never have figured that out on my own...
Hope that helps,
Dirk Dittert