idea6 performance


we have purchased the new intellij and its performance is unacceptable.
the current 'idea.exe.vmoptions' contains the following:

Does anyone has a suggestion how to improve the situation?

thank you,


Permanently deleted user

Hello Rami,

R> we have purchased the new intellij and its performance is
R> unacceptable.
R> the current 'idea.exe.vmoptions' contains the following:
R> =====
R> -Xms512m
R> -Xmx512m
R> -XX:MaxPermSize=92m
R> -ea
R> -agentlib:yjpagent
R> -server
R> -Dsun.awt.keepWorkingSetOnMinimize=true
R> =====
R> Does anyone has a suggestion how to improve the situation?

What operations exactly are performing poorly?

If you have anti-virus software installed, please exclude the IDEA system
and config folders from scanning.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

What operations exactly are performing poorly?

If you have anti-virus software installed, please exclude the IDEA
system and config folders from scanning.


No, it's not an anti-virus. From the JBuilder times, most developers know that
Java and anti-virus software don't play well together :).

It's not just that some operations perform poorly, it's that the entire IDE
is not snappy, e.g. opening files, opening the settings, parsing of files etc. Most operations
have a very small but ugly delay. This effect is not just on one particular machine, but on all
machines (from P4 to the latest core2duo).

Maybe many of the long time IDEA users, and the JB team just got used to this "un-snappy" behavior,
but not new IDEA users, and for sure not those who evaluate it and decide about buying new licenses
:(. Also just too many IDEA users I know, decided not to upgrade :(.

Maybe you should consider bringing 6.1 with no new features - only performance improvements.


Permanently deleted user

Hello Ahmed,

>> If you have anti-virus software installed, please exclude the IDEA
>> system and config folders from scanning.
AM> Dmitry,
AM> No, it's not an anti-virus. From the JBuilder times, most developers
AM> know that Java and anti-virus software don't play well together :).

This may be not an anti-virus in your case, but we're seeing that many new
users experience performance problems for this very reason.

AM> Maybe you should consider bringing 6.1 with no new features - only
AM> performance improvements.

I hope that our roadmap for the 6.5 version will not disappoint the users
when we publish it.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Are your projects on a remotely mounted filesystem? Do you edit jsp and/or js files? These have been some areas with performance problems.

Permanently deleted user

Especially screen refresh (moving to another window and giving the focus back to idea).
Also sometimes it simply gets stuck...

thank you,


Permanently deleted user

Are your projects on a remotely mounted filesystem?


Do you edit jsp and/or js files? These have been some
areas with performance problems.


Permanently deleted user

In that case, what release/build is your team running? The latest 6.0.2 beta has addressed some of the serious jsp/js performance issues. If you aren't trying it, I suggest you do-- this EAP build seems quite stable.

Permanently deleted user

Try disabling synchronize on frame activation (ctrl-alt-S, A).

Especially screen refresh (moving to another window and giving the
focus back to idea). Also sometimes it simply gets stuck...

thank you,


Permanently deleted user

Hello Rami,

R> Especially screen refresh (moving to another window and giving the
R> focus back to idea).

Which version control system are you using?

R> Also sometimes it simply gets stuck...

This is likely to be a GC pause. You can reduce the duration of GC pause
by reducing the maximum heap size in the JVM settings.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Another question for you is what size is your project as in how many java files, how many jsps, & other files?

Permanently deleted user

In that case, what release/build is your team running? The latest 6.0.2 beta has addressed some of the serious jsp/js performance issues. If you aren't trying it, I suggest you do-- this EAP build seems quite stable.

P.S. I'm double posting this as it never showed up in the newsgroup integration. Things have gotten so unpredictable and semi-unreliable on the newsgroup-forum-email notification integration.

Permanently deleted user

Hi Rami,

See as well.

IDEA should be a lot snappier, there is no doubt there. A lot of people like the features, just not the performance.

We just need to keep speaking up until JetBrains realizes that performance is an issue that needs to be addressed. I know our team will be moving away from IDEA in the future if the product roadmap doesn't address performance. I doubt we're the only ones that feel this way.


Permanently deleted user

No, I don't think you guys are the only ones. Although JB could afford to be more proactive about dealing with general performance and searching for the many performance bottlenecks before customers get hit with them, I've found that JetBrains usually goes after performance issues aggressively but only if you do the legwork and get them everything they want which is an isolated performance issue with full detail. So the good news is that if you do the legwork, they will fix your performance problems one by one. However, I do wish JB would make a commitment to proactive quality performance in IDEA. They certainly do listen to feedback and this is some feedback that they would do well to take back and consider as a strategic level change.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Dmitry,

We do not run anti-virus.

It seems that there is a fundamental issue with performance (please refer to the other replies too).
We realy like idea, and therefore spend quite a lot of money for purchasing it (instead of using Eclipse/Netbeans), BUT this kind of performance is basic, and lacking it makes the development slow, tedious and unproductive !!! - all these you presume to supply.

If this is not treated in the real near future shall recommend my company to move to another IDE.

All the best,


Permanently deleted user

Hello Rami,

R> It seems that there is a fundamental issue with performance (please
R> refer to the other replies too).
R> We realy like idea, and therefore spend quite a lot of money for
R> purchasing it (instead of using Eclipse/Netbeans), BUT this kind of
R> performance is basic, and lacking it makes the development slow,
R> tedious and unproductive !!! - all these you presume to supply.
R> If this is not treated in the real near future shall recommend my
R> company to move to another IDE.

We are unable to provide any specific response to complains like this - "performance
is slow". All we can say is that we do work on improving the performance,
and this is indeed a major priority to us.

To provide specific help, rather than generic advice like "turn off anti-virus",
we need to know specific details on which operations are slow. The best way
to provide specific information is to take a CPU snapshot of an operation
which is slow, and to send it to us. Specific performance issues usually
get resolved fairly quickly.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

To provide specific help, rather than generic advice
like "turn off anti-virus",
we need to know specific details on which operations
are slow. The best way
to provide specific information is to take a CPU
snapshot of an operation
which is slow, and to send it to us. Specific
performance issues usually
get resolved fairly quickly.


Are there instructions on how to capture the CPU snapshot somewhere? We are on a Windows platform if that makes a difference.


Permanently deleted user

I second the vote for a version 6.1 that focuses strictly on performance. My project has 4,000+ files and 7,000+ classes and the IDE just plain seems slow in many aspects.

- Eric

Permanently deleted user

It's almost certainly still faster than Netbeans or Eclipse though (and uses less RAM while being less slow). Everything is relative ;)


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