Bug? 'Loading Project' dialog doesn't go away

Occasionally, I've found that the 'Loading Project' dialog doesn't go away, ever. Even worse, it floats above all other windows (right now, I'm having to move it to see this text in my web browser.) It says "Synchronizing Local VCS".

I can bring up the 'File' menu in IDEA, but selecting 'Exit' doesn' do anything. Command-Q just beeps. The red 'close' box on the dialog doesn't do anything. Force Quit is the only way I've found to get around this.

If I force IDEA to quit, and then bring it up again, things work fine.

I've seen this happen with IDEA 700 & 811.


Permanently deleted user

Ron Lussier <jiveadmin@jetbrains.com> wrote:

I can bring up the 'File' menu in IDEA, but selecting 'Exit' doesn' do
anything. Command-Q just beeps. The red 'close' box on the dialog
doesn't do anything. Force Quit is the only way I've found to get
around this.

Sounds like you are on a Mac? This is a known behaviour. The bug
(#10216) I filed for that was closed with a do not fix (bug in the JDK).

A temoprary workaround for that is:
- uncheck reopen project on startup in the IDE options
- use File->Reopen

This won't get rid of the "Tuning performance" window that might stay
open in the EAP though.

Hope that helps,

Dirk Dittert

Permanently deleted user

If this is an Apple libraries bug, has anyone filed a bug report with Apple for this? (http://bugreport.apple.com/)


Permanently deleted user

Ron Lussier <jiveadmin@jetbrains.com> wrote:

If this is an Apple libraries bug, has anyone filed a bug report with
Apple for this?

Please see the thread attached to the bug in the tracker for mor
details. There is a bug filed for that by the folks at Intellij.

Best regards,

Dirk Dittert


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