OS X build 700: Generate is broken

When chosing Code->Generate... from the pull down menus, the Generate menu pops up and then immediately disappears. Using the keaboard shortcut ctrl+insert does not even cause the Generate menu to appear at all.


I'm sorry, but I spoke too quickly. The pulldown menu does work. I had a debug version of idea_rt.jar installed to try a fix for the ant build bug I posted earlier (the fix worked, BTW) when I experienced the disappearing menu. When I put the idea_rt.jar back that came with build 700, selecting Code->Generate did the right thing. The ctrl+insert, however, still did not work.


The KeyMap for Mac has been modified for new setting.
You can see the keymap setting.
It has been set altinsert instead of ctrlinsert.


After using the "generate" feature (and making sure I am running the code that came with the build 700 distribution) I have discovered that there is a problem with invoking the Generate popup menu using the Code->Generate... menu selection or the "right mouse click in the source window"->Generate selection. The first time I selected Code->Generate... the generate popup did come up and stay up. I then left clicked in the source window to "cancel" the command and make the popup go away. After that, selecting Code->Generate... causes the generate popup window to appear and then immediately disappear. Then, using "right mouse click in the source window"->Generate..., the generate popup would appear and then diasappear the first time I selected Generate.... The second time I did this the popup would appear and stay. The third time I did this the popup would appear and then disappear.


I am seeing the exact same problem. First time works OK. After that nada.


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